Kelionė į TALINĄ, ESTIJĄ | Trip to Tallinn, Estonia

Kelionė į Taliną, Estiją buvo suplanuota balandžio 7-9 dienomis. Ten dalyvavau I Am Photographer Festival & Contest 2016 fotografų konferencijoje. Šeštadienį paskyriau miesto pažinimui. Susipažinau su dviem nuostabiom vietinėm porom: Milda ir Ahti, bei Marija ir Aivo. Jos ir  pabuvo mano gidais. Talino gyventojai labai myli savo miestą, ir žino labai daug ir įvairiausių legendų apie jį.


Na, o viskas nuo pradžių. Kelionę nuo Vilniaus iki Talino autobusu, galima apibūdinti šia nuotrauka.



Pagrindinė Town Hall aišktė.


Kelionė į Talina, Talinas, Estija


Cat’s Well. Before you complain about the chalky taste of Tallinn’s tap water, you might want to stop to consider what the town’s Medieval residents had to put up with. This wheel well on the corner of Rataskaevu and Dunkri in the Old Town was once one of the main sources of water for the Tallinn. According to legend, some of the locals got it into their heads that an evil water spirit lived in the well and threatened to make all the town’s wells run dry if it wasn’t given regular animal sacrifices. To keep the spirit happy, some cattle and sheep carcasses were thrown down the well, but the main victims were stray cats, who were rounded up and tossed, sometimes live, down the shaft. This practice was so common that the locals started calling this watering hole ‘Cat’s Well.’ In a sense, the sacrifices worked – the town’s wells never ran dry. But the practice of throwing animals down the well didn’t do much for the water quality, and the Cat’s Well had fallen into disuse by the mid 19th century. Rest assured that nowadays Tallinn’s water is much safer to drink, and the cats of Old Town no longer live in fear.



The Freedom Monument. After many delays and not without a certain amount of controversy, the freedom monument was officially unveiled to much fanfare at midnight on June 22, 2009. The 26m structure built from imported Czech glass was modelled after the ‘Cross of Liberty’, an honour bestowed upon individuals who helped Estonia gain her independence back in 1920. Winston Churchill was even a holder of the ‘Cross of Liberty’. It’s quite a spectacular monument, but to see it in all it’s glory  you should check it out at night when it’s all lit up.


Kelionė į Talina, Talinas, Estija, The Freedom Monument.


Šeštadienio rytas ir visa diena skirta miesto pažinimui.


Kelionė į Talina, Talinas, Estija,


Prezidento rūmai.

For a few years during Estonia’s first period of independence (1918 – 1940), the Estonian head of state worked out of the Kadriorg Palace, but in 1938, this purpose-built presidential palace was opened next to it, just up the hill. The Presidential Palace’s style echoes the Kadriorg, albeit without quite so much flourish. Since the building once again serves as the President’s office and residence, it’s closed to visitors, but you can still wander into the parking area for a better view and, if your timing is lucky, you’ll see the honour guards marching out front.


Kelionė į Talina, Talinas, Estija,
Kohtuotsa viewing platform. Kohtuotsa offers sweeping panoramas of Old Town’s rooftops and towers against the backdrop of the modern city skyline. The spacious area on the east corner of Toompea hill offers unforgettable views of the medieval neighbourhood and is easily the city’s most famous photo spot. From here you can see most of Tallinn’s centuries-old spires as well as its newer ones, the highest of which is the TV Tower visible in the distance. Beyond the modern city centre lies the Lasnamäe suburb with its countless Soviet-style block apartment buildings. During the summer season, an outdoor café operates here and dance evenings are held on the platform space.


Kelionė į Talina, Talinas, Estija,


Man pasakojo, kad vasarą keptų riešutų kvapas pasklinda po visą senamiestį. Ragavau ir parvežiau lauktuvių. Išties labai skanūs. Mano pasirinkimas buvo – migdolai rudame cukruje, su cinamonu, gvaizdikėliai ir pipirais.



Patkuli viewing platform. This is the best vantage point for viewing Tallinn’s fairytale Town Wall and towers, St. Olav’s Church and the harbour area. Located on the north side of Toompea hill, the platform sits visibly on a limestone cliff. On the right, the Town Wall and its defensive towers stretch off into the distance. On the left lie the city’s Kalamaja and Pelgulinn areas, with the railway station as a landmark. A winding series of steps, built in 1903, leads down the cliff face to Nunne street and Shnelli Park below.


Kelionė į Talina, Talinas, Estija,Patkuli


Alexander Nevsky Katedra. Toompea’s dominating landmark is the Russian Orthodox cathedral named for the duke who attacked southeastern Estonia and Pskov in the early 13th century. Tsar Alexander III ordered the cathedral designed in 1894 by St. Petersburg master Mikhail Preobrazhensky and it was completed in 1900. According to legend, the cathedral was built on the grave of Estonian hero Kalev and has suffered structurally as a result.


Kelionė į Talina, Talinas, Estija,


Galtvė, kuria viduramžiais iš aukštutinio miesto nusileisdavo į žemutinį. Kelias ilgesnis ir vadinamas – Ilga Koja.


Kelionė į Talina, Talinas, Estija,


Dabar čia galima pamatyti meninikus bei jų eksponuojamus darbus.


Labai daug ir visokiausių megztinių.



St. Catherine’s Passage. One of the prettiest little walkways in all of Old Town, the medieval St. Catherine’s passage connects Vene and Müürivahe streets. On the northern portion of the passage you can find what’s left of St. Catherine’s Church (hence the passage name) and various large, ancient tombstones that used to line the inside of the sanctuary. On the southern portion of the passage, you’ll find numerous artisan workshops, where you’ll even get see them hard at work creating new items for you to buy.


Kelionė į Talina, Talinas, Estija,

Kelionė į Talina, Talinas, Estija,


Tallinn had two distinct areas: Toompea – the castle area on the hill, and the town 20-30 meters below. Toompea was encircled with a wall, as was the town. Two roads (Long Leg and Short Leg) connected the two, each with a gate tower that closed every night. Short Leg Street could only be used by pedestrians, because it is and was only a stairway-street. The town was ruled by the Town Council under the Lübeck Rights and was a part of the Hanseatic League, whereas Toompea was under its own administrative rule and was the domain of the nobility. One ghost story from Toompea concerns the Short Leg Gate Tower, where a headless monk has been seen a number of times.


Kelionė į Talina, Talinas, Estija,


Maiden’s Tower Museum. Originally erected in 1370-73, the tower has undergone extensive renovations and it’s been reconnected to the adjacent defence tower. Neitsitorn features a café as well as historical exhibits reflecting these fortifications and the stories that go along with them. The museum holds temporary exhibitions. It’s also possible now to walk along the wall fortification to get to the Kiek in de Kök defence tower, where you can also pay a visit to that museum.


Cathedral of Saint Mary the Virgin (Dome Church).  The medieval church that stands at the centre of Toompea hill is one of the country’s most fascinating historic attractions. Established sometime before 1233 and repeatedly rebuilt since, the church displays a mix of architectural styles. Its vaulted main body dates to the 14th century, while its Baroque tower was an addition from the late 1770s. Historically this was the church of Estonia’s elite German nobles, a fact that becomes clear once you step through the doors. The interior is filled with elaborate funereal coats of arms from the 17th to the 20th centuries as well as burial stones from the 13th to the 18th centuries. Among the notables buried here are Pontus de la Gardie, who commanded Swedish forces during the Great Northern War, Adam Johann von Krusenstern, the Baltic-German admiral who led Russia’s first expedition around the world, and Scottish-born Admiral Samuel Greig of Fife, rumoured to be Catherine the Great’s lover. Christian Ackermann, one of the most skilful and renowned woodcarvers in 17th – 18th century, made the pulpit (1686) and the altar (1694-1696). Just inside the main entrance you’ll find a large stone slab which reads, “Otto Johann Thuve, landlord of Edise, Vääna and Koonu Ehis grave, 1696 A.D.” Thuve, now sometimes referred to as “Tallinn’s Don Juan”, was an incurable drinker and womaniser. As he lay dying, he asked to be buried here at the threshold of the church so that God-fearing people, as they kneel to pray upon entering, might eventually cleanse his soul. In addition to seeing the church’s amazing interior, visitors can opt to climb the 69-metre, Baroque bell- tower for amazing views of the city.  Visiting the church requires a donation. For the tower, check the posted ticket price. Entrance to both the church and the tower is restricted at the time of worship services and concerts.


Kelionė į Talina, Talinas, Estija, Cathedral of Saint Mary the Virgin (Dome Church).Kelionė į Talina, Talinas, Estija, Cathedral of Saint Mary the Virgin (Dome Church).Kelionė į Talina, Talinas, Estija, Cathedral of Saint Mary the Virgin (Dome Church).



III Draakon tavern. Tucked into the corner of Tallinn’s famous Town Hall, this teensy-weensy tavern has both a historic ambience and an enviable location. Better still, it’s owned by Olde Hansa so it’s guaranteed to be a great locale to grab a soup, pastry or a pint of ‘mead’. All drinks are €2-3, food is €1-3 and brine pickles in the barrel are FREE!



Pačios gražiausios durys.


House of the Brotherhood of Black Heads. This beautiful, Renaissance-style guild hall is truly a star among Old Town’s architectural treasures. Just one look at the hall from the outside, especially its intricately-decorated, red, green and gold door, is enough to explain why it’s a regular feature on every Tallinn postcard stand. The interior is also a must-see. This was the historic home of the Brotherhood of Black Heads, a medieval guild made up of young, single merchants and foreigners. The guild’s patron saint was the Moorish St. Mauritius – a profile of his head is pictured on the Brotherhood’s coat of arms. The Brotherhood itself, which arose sometime around 1399, was active only in Estonia and Latvia, and never took hold in the rest of Europe. It is interesting to note that among the brotherhood’s duties in medieval times was putting Tallinn’s Christmas tree on Town Hall Square each year. Records show that the activity started at least as far back as 1441, making Tallinn the first city in Europe to have the tradition of a public Christmas tree. A 14th-century residential building probably occupied this site when the Black Heads bought up the property in the early 1500s. They immediately installed a new hall with an archless ceiling, but the serious rebuilding got underway in 1597 when the Dutch Renaissance façade, with its profusion of ornaments and carved decorations, was added. The eye-catching front door dates to 1640. Inside you can see a two-naved, vaulted hall, which bought from the neighbouring St. Olav’s Guild and dates to the 15th century. The building is frequently used for concerts and other gala occasions, and naturally any event held here will take on a timeless quality.



Town Hall Pharmacy. One of the oldest continuously running pharmacies in Europe is on Town Hall Square. No one knows exactly when it opened, but records show that the Raeapteek was already on its third owner in 1422. In Medieval times patients could buy mummy juice and burnt bees for treatment, and healthy folks could even drop in for a glass of spiced wine. Keeping up with the times, the pharmacy sells the usual aspirin and condoms, but part of the shop is also a museum, displaying old medical instruments and other curiosities.



Kalev Marzipan Room. Estonia’s famous candy factory operates a tiny museum and shop in the Old Town building where the company started back in the 19th century. Here you can find out all about the history of marzipan, first used as a medicine in the Middle Ages, as well as other interesting facts about this almond based sweet. You can take a look at the intricate, hand-painted marzipan creations, including some hundred-year-old moulds and if the timing is right, even take in some interesting stories from Otto Kubo who has worked at Kalev for 60 years.



Maiasmokk café. Maiasmokk is the oldest café anywhere in Tallinn and indeed Estonia – it has been in the same location since 1864. The café is unique due to its interior, which has remained unchanged for almost a century.



Helleman Tower



St. Catherine’s Passage. One of the prettiest little walkways in all of Old Town, the medieval St. Catherine’s passage connects Vene and Müürivahe streets. On the northern portion of the passage you can find what’s left of St. Catherine’s Church (hence the passage name) and various large, ancient tombstones that used to line the inside of the sanctuary. On the southern portion of the passage, you’ll find numerous artisan workshops, where you’ll even get see them hard at work creating new items for you to buy.



Fat Margaret’s Tower. Originally constructed in the 14th century and arguably one of the top sights in the city, Paks Margareta as she is known to locals, is 82m in diameter and boasts 5m thick walls. At one point, Tallinn’s harbour was just outside the Great Coastal Gate and she certainly provided a formidable defence against any hostile forces trying enter the city here. The tower currently houses the Estonian Maritime Museum, see museum entry for details.



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